A unique, high potency, natural Vitamin E formula that provides the most protective and beneficial form of Vitamin E – Gamma Tocopherol and also includes all four naturally-occurring tocopherols.
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Gamma Vitamin E is a unique approach to natural vitamin E providing high levels of more protective gamma vitamin E (315 mg), instead of the alpha vitamin E of typical formulas. For good reason, vitamin E is among the most popular separate supplements, but unfortunately, typical formulas contain less protective, synthetic alpha tocopherol. Our Gamma Vitamin E focuses on Gamma Tocopherol – the most protective of the four naturally occurring tocopherols. Gamma vitamin E is not available in typical vitamin E formulas, despite its being the most predominant and protective form in nature. The vitamin E content of our diet is extremely low, yet typical supplements bear little resemblance to the forms of vitamin E found in nature. Our Gamma Vitamin E is truly complete and uniquely natural focusing on 315 mg of Gamma Tocopherol – Mother Nature’s most predominant and protective form of vitamin E, along with 87 mg of alpha, beta and delta tocopherols. Don’t be fooled by so-called natural vitamin E or mixed tocopherol formulas that deliver little natural vitamin E in its most protective natural form – Gamma Tocopherol. Ahiflower® is a registered trademark of Technology Crops, LLC. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Consume one capsule daily. You can increase your intake as required or as guided by your physician.
By Christopher, NJ
on 2/26/2016
By Sharon, TX
on 10/17/2010