VITAMIN B12 250 delivers an exceptionally high potency (250 mcg) of our unique absorption-protected methylcobalamin (natural coenzyme vitamin B12). Among the B-vitamins, B12 is not just the most important from a functional standpoint, but also because of its limited availability from the diet and extremely difficult absorption. Vitamin B12’s challenged absorption stems from its unusually large size and complex molecular structure. Vitamin B12 is essential for energy production, including carbohydrate and fat metabolism, as well as the creation of hemoglobin, without which, vital oxygen cannot be transported throughout the body. Vitamin B12 is also required for the synthesis of our genetic material (DNA and RNA) and is therefore required for normal cell growth and development. Vitamin B12 supports heart and brain health by supporting homocysteine metabolism. Typical supplements deliver vitamin B12 in the highly inferior, unnatural form of cyanocobalamin. As its name implies, cyanocobalamin can deliver trace amounts of cyanide – an undesirable toxic chemical. No quality product would use cyanocobalamin. The large molecular size of vitamin B12 makes it highly susceptible to destruction in the digestive system, which is why our natural methylcobalamin is protected from stomach acid so it can release its benefits in the small intestine where it can be absorbed. It is the most intelligent and effective way to orally deliver B12’s benefits. It is well-established that stress, aging and digestive issues reduce B12’s already poor absorption, so given its critical functions, one should carefully consider supplementing this difficult to find and hard to absorb vitamin. Our Vitamin B12 250 overcomes all of the problems of typical B12 supplements and ensures the benefits you seek in a small, easy-to-swallow capsule that is gentle to even sensitive stomachs. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Consume one capsule daily. You can increase your intake as required or as guided by your physician.
By Cynthia A, IN
on 7/12/2024
By Dalinda, CA
on 5/10/2018
By Lisa, IL
on 11/28/2016
By Marlene, FL
on 10/7/2012